Roll No 52Roll No 52 is a coming of age film which revolves around the heartwarming story of a mother and her son who encounter various challenges
Little SocksThe film follows Atharv, a young boy navigating the challenges of a chaotic morning in an Indian household.
VeethikalThe film is about a 24-year-old young middle-class guy who wants to become a filmmaker. He is also in a relationship and gets pressure from
Pariksha“Pariksha” is a short film that explores Aaryan’s determination towards his desire. The entire story is presented from Aaryan’s perspective
MayaMaya, an orphan who has multiple personality disorders, has a mysterious encounter with her family and becomes the focus of the story
BoardingThe film explores the emotional ups and downs faced by a 12-year-old Tarun as he spends his last week at home, due to his father's decision